PSKH Board Nominees 2024-25

Click on photo to view Candidate’s Biography and Election Statement

President Candidate

» AGM Candidates
Ron Land

Ordinary Director

» AGM Candidates
Rod Starr

Ordinary Director

John Dohnt

Ordinary Director

Mike Cowell
Mike Cowell

Ordinary Director

Herna Ward 2
Hendrika (Herna) Ward

Ordinary Director

Helen Scott
Helen Scott

Ordinary Director

Doreen Bruhn
Doreen Bruhn

Ron Land


I have held various senior positions in or related to the Australian coal industry over a 40-year period in operational areas such as, but not limited to, mines search and rescue, occupational health, workers compensation and leadership of the legal administration of investigations and subsequent coronial inquiries into death and serious injury of persons employed in the mining industry.

Simultaneous to this activity I lead the design and construction of a $26 million project to modernise NSW Mines Rescue Stations and the design of virtual reality training programs from 2006/9.

I have held Certificate 4 qualifications in Training and Assessing, Project Management, Underground Coal Operations and Mines Rescue Qualification Body Recovery in Irrespirable Atmosphere.

I was awarded The Centenary Medal( 2000) and The Royal Humane Society Bravery Medal (1981)

I have designed and constructed the Port Stephens Koala Hospital and allied facilities. 


Election Statement

I am seeking re-election to the position of President of Port Stephens Koala & Wildlife Preservation Society trading as Port Stephens Koala Hospital (PSKH)

During my 9 years of continual involvement with this organisation I have instigated and delivered a wide range of operational and infrastructure changes that has resulted in the building of what I regard as the finest wildlife facility in Australia.

Over this time, I have identified and lobbied funding sources that has resulted in the winning of $11 million for PSKH to carry out its vital work in koala and other wildlife care. PSKH is now recognised by all levels of government, and related government agencies, as a premier wildlife organisation capable of continual activity at the highest level.

PSKH has the most modern and sophisticated veterinary and care facilities staffed by a dynamic workforce in excess of 220 personnel who constantly produce lifesaving outcomes to the hundreds of ill injured, injured, and orphaned wildlife that come into our care annually.

I am relocating to Queensland for an indetermined period. If re-elected my activities will centre on government and corporate matters especially related to funding and participating in general operational matters remotely or in person when the occasion warrants.

It will be an honour to continue to lead this wonderful organisation should PSKH members so choose.


Rod Starr BVSc OAM


I am a retired veterinarian with 50 years of continued practical experience. I owned and ran veterinary hospitals at Tanilba Bay,
Medowie and Nelson Bay between 1984-2013. During this time, I was the
honorary veterinarian to the Hunter Koala Preservation Society for 20 years.

I cared for the Military Working Dogs at RAAF Williamtown for 20
years and have gradually transitioned from mixed practice to small animal practice as our area has changed.

Recently I have acted as a relieving vet, between travelling around
Australia in our Coaster bus. My wife Judy and I now live at Mallabula
and are both involved with The Mallabula Parks and Reserves Committee.

I am a member of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee at the University of Newcastle.

Have recently helped the plantation team in the planting of Eucalypts, particularly at Mallabula and Tanilba Bay. I want to emphasise that koalas in all areas of Port Stephens should fall under our care.

Election Statement 

I have a long-term interest in the health and survivability of the koala population of  Port Stephens. I acted as honorary veterinarian to
the Hunter Koala Preservation Society for twenty years, so I am well
aware of the difficulties faced by koalas in Port Stephens.

The Hospital attracts funding from government, corporate donors and
the community. My aim is to ensure total transparency in the allocation of donated funds so that the Hospital can continue to enjoy
a reputation for integrity and high performance.

The volunteer group at the Hospital is important to the continued viability of the Hospital. I will endeavor to ensure that this group is continually acknowledged and appreciated.

I will encourage any moves to encourage community education and
engagement. The general community must be our strongest supporters and

The Hospital has high recurrent staff and maintenance costs. Finding successful long term recurrent funding is critical. Government and the Corporate sectors need to realise that our wildlife is our great
national asset, and it is no longer viable to rely mainly on the work
of volunteers. Our job is to present this philosophy to the prime movers of government and commerce.

John Dohnt


I am 64 years old and retired from 31 years in the RAAF as a technician and electronics engineer. A significant time with training and IT/Comms. I am married to Venita and we have two adult children who both live in the UK. We try to travel regularly to visit the children and enjoy camping during the cooler months.

Election Statement 

Since retirement I have been keen to volunteer as much as I can to local organisations. I have spent 8 years as a volunteer presenter, technician, trainer and committee member at PSFM, delivering significant modernisation, stability and enhanced capability to the facility. I currently volunteer with Salamander Bay Recycle Centre helping to recommission electrical appliances for sale.

I have volunteered with PSKH for over 5 years supporting the rescue database development and since the hospital has opened, I have been involved with the recommissioning of the CCTV system, IT network and sundry maintenance activities. I have significant experience from RAAF and retired life in managing large scale projects and the leadership of multi-million-dollar operations.

I hold a Master of Business and Administration and managed at senior levels in Defence. This qualification and experience support my ability to competently hold the position as Board Member at PSKH. I believe I can continue to assist PSKH with the growth it is currently experiencing and to ensure the organisation continues to deliver quality care to our koalas and the advancement of koala preservation in the greater Port Stephens area. I am honest and hard working and eager to continuously improve processes at PSKH.

Mike Cowell


I am a retired Air Force Wing Commander, having served for 45 years. I have a Cert IV in Training and Assessment, a degree in Information Technology from CQU and I am also a trained Lead Auditor specialising in Aviation Safety.

As a PSKH volunteer I am a Plantation team member, Support Carer, Rescue and Triage team member. I have been a Director since Oct 2022 and the Managing Director since May 2024.

My wife, Jen, and I have been married for 44 years and we have three children and four grand-children. We have resided full-time in Port Stephens since 2016.

Election Statement 

As a retired senior Air Force senior officer, I have experience with Defence boards related to the development of future capabilities and large acquisition projects. Although set in a military context these boards have the same fundamental responsibilities as any Board: providing strategic direction; providing the resources required; ensuring the organisation is run in accordance with its constitution and the law; ensuring that the organisation meets its obligations, manages its finances responsibly, and operates transparently; and representing the organisation to its members, stakeholders and the wider community.

As a Board member I will have the following goals:

·             Responsible, ethical and equitable decision making.

·             PSKH continuing to operate within its means and in accordance with its Constitution, regulatory requirements and the law.

·             Consolidation of the excellent progress made by PSKH so far in order to ensure that a solid organisational foundation underpins current and future activities.

·             Ensuring that PSKH has a Strategic Plan that is achievable, clearly articulated, and appropriately communicated so that board members, volunteers, staff and stakeholders are all working cohesively towards the same goal.

·             Maintaining and enhancing PSKH’s reputation within the Wildlife community and the general public.


Hendrika (Herna) Ward


Over 30 years military employment (RAAF), specialising in administration, training, international relations and human resource management. Held various volunteer Committee positions at Nelson Bay Football Club (soccer) over a 7-year period. During the last 5 years at PSKH I have held the positions of Volunteer Coordinator, Promotions Coordinator, Support Coordinator and also held a previous Board position as Secretary. For relaxation, have also continued as a koala carer.

Election Statement 

Now more than ever, there is a need at PSKH to introduce a more regulated modern organisational structure and management. With PSKH wishing to be recognised as a world-leader in the wildlife care and research environment, the onus is upon the management structure to ensure PSKH meets these regulatory and financial obligations. I believe I would bring to the PSKH Board the following:

  • an understanding of the work required as a Board member to ensure a continued successful conduct and running of the organisation;
  • an understanding of the essential contribution of all staff (both employees and volunteers) and the need to work together in a cohesive approach; and
  • previous organisational, planning and financial experience.

To move forward and maintain its success, I believe PSKH needs to adapt to current community expectations and fully adopt and integrate industry regulations pertaining to a large organisational structure.

Helen Scott


For over 40 years, I have held voluntary administrative positions in various sporting organisations, including netball, BMX, Little Athletics, and currently hold the position of Treasurer of Tomaree Sports Council.

As the owner of a Registered Training Organisation, my role included face-to-face and online training and assessing of clients.

In my business and private life, diplomacy, hard work and friendliness have been my core values.

I hold a Diploma of Counselling, currently a Justice of the Peace of 35 years, and have enjoyed working with those from a wide range of backgrounds.


Election Statement

8 years ago, I responded to a call for volunteers for Port Stephens Koalas, to fulfil a public and environmental need.

Since that time, I have worked alongside a very large number of dedicated volunteers, and last year I was elected as a Director of PSKH.

As such, I was able to offer suggestions where organisational improvements were considered and implemented where appropriate.

I have been committed to working collaboratively with other board members and organisations to continuously improve the goals and outcomes of the organisation.

As a Director, my aim would be to ensure that we continue to pursue benefactors who are committed to financially support PSKH. My aim would be to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the organisation and to contribute meaningfully to the organisation’s public profile.

I would endeavour to ensure that the highest standards are maintained in all aspects of koala and native wildlife care, staff and volunteer training, and satisfaction and pride in being part of a valuable team of carers.

As a Director, I would assist wherever and whenever needed.

Doreen Bruhn


I started my career in the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corp.                

After leaving the Army I was employed as a nursing assistant at Prince Henry Hospital & Wolper Jewish Hospital. I worked for a Pharmacy Distributor, a Pharmaceutical Company & worked in a Pharmacy Dispensary.

When we moved to the Bay in 2001, I started at Shoal Bay Pharmacy, however an opportunity at a local Vet & my long-term interest in animals allowed me to accept a position as a Vet Assistant for few years. For the remaining years before retirement in 2022, I had my own dog grooming business.

Election Statement

I joined PSKH May 2022. I volunteer two days a week and fill in when needed and I am now a Support Carer. I feel extremely proud to be a part of a team that started from humble beginnings to the Hospital it is today.

All volunteers are integral to the PSKH. The passion, dedication & enthusiasm along with the valuable skills we bring from different levels of society are immensely important to our success. It is extremely important that volunteers and staff focus on maintaining excellent communication, working as a team and creating a friendly workplace environment to achieve PSKH’s goals.