
As a Leafer, you will be involved on a very important activity in providing fresh eucalyptus leaves regularly to the koalas at the hospital.  To make this happen, fresh leaves are sourced by our Leafing Teams from the local area (up to 100 kms) three to four times a week usually on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

We usually head out at around 7:00am in all weather.  Leaf is collected from roadside areas, Local Council grounds, National Parks, private grounds (with permission) and our own plantations.

On return the leaf is sorted and distributed into the leaf holding areas for the koala carers to use.  In this role, you will learn how to identify and harvest a variety of Eucalypts, you will also need to be reasonably fit and agile to ensure that we can harvest the best quality feed for our koalas.

Caring for endangered animals takes time and money, so your support is invaluable and your donations will help in saving our precious koalas.