The Promotions Department facilitates some of the main sources of income for the Hospital. Promotions has overall responsibility for the following areas:
- Fundraising
- Merchandise
- Education (of the members of the public)
- Graphics
- Social Media
- Donations,
- Adoptions, and
- Event Management
Each of these areas has a volunteer lead or coordinator with other volunteers to assist them. For example, the Fundraising Coordinator has a number of volunteers who help out at the many fundraising events e.g. Bunnings BBQ, market stalls, community tables, selling raffle tickets at various clubs, etc. We have a myriad of different ages, experience, backgrounds and some very talented people who all pitch in together to make a success.
There are numerous one-off tasks in all areas of promotions that need to be tackled and the more helpers we have, the lighter the load is. New suggestions on how to raise money are always welcome and if you can assist then that is great.
If you feel you would like to give our group a hand, come along to a Promotions Meeting to gain a feel for how you might contribute. We welcome as much or as little time that you are able to commit to.