
Midnight Rose

$50.00 / year

Hi there, I’m Midnight Rose. I was brought into PSKH for a checkup after being hit by a car. Luckily for me I only suffered from a wound on my leg. I am now all recovered however my home is no longer suitable for my return due to loss of habitat. So I’m a permanent resident here at the Hospital and an important member of the breeding program. I spend my days in the big girls’ yard nestling in the forks of the tallest trees. It’s a good life. Fill out the form below or choose another one of my buddies on the Adopt a Koala page to support the Port Stephens Koala Hospital.


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  • Purchaser details to be completed on next page.
  • If the adoption is to be gifted as a surprise, enter your own email address instead.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Or choose another koala to adopt…