

$50.00 / year

Hello, my name is Mikayla and this is my fifth time in care at PSKH. I was hit by a car two days before Christmas and suffered fractures to my jaw, nose and shoulder along with some broken teeth. My baby girl, Sharon, was also hit but I managed to protect her by taking the brunt of the impact. The hospital staff did emergency surgery on me and I’m feeling much better but it’ll be a slow recovery for me. My carers say that we are Christmas miracles. Please adopt myself (or Sharon) and help with the costs of my treatment and ongoing care. Fill out the form below or choose another one of my buddies on the Adopt a Koala page to support the Port Stephens Koala Hospital.

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  • Details that will appear on the certificate and where it will be sent.
  • Purchaser details to be completed on next page.
  • If the adoption is to be gifted as a surprise, enter your own email address instead.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Or choose another koala to adopt…