Koala Name: Jacko
Rescued: June 2022
Released: October 2022
Reason Jacko came into care: Jacko was brought to Port Stephens Koala Hospital after he was hit by a car. This was the second time that he had been hit by a car in the last few years. Luckily, for Jacko, he sustained minimal injuries in both incidents.
Treatment provided: Upon arrival at the Hospital, Jacko was provided with pain relief, and his wounds were cleaned. He was given a full health check by the veterinary team to ensure that he had no other injuries. This check included radiographs, ultrasounds and blood work. Once done his wounds were cleaned again and ongoing treatment and a recheck were provided by the Hospital team responsible for looking after the koalas. The wound on his nose took quite a long time to heal, however, once it did, Jacko was given a clean bill of health and returned to the wild.
Estimated cost of treatment while in care:
We rely on adoptions and donations to help save koalas and other native wildlife. As we are a not-for-profit organisation, your generosity will help to cover the inevitable costs.
We have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status which makes it easier for us to fundraise to support the ongoing work of Port Stephens Koala Hospital.
ABN 27 614 265 833
ACN 42 65 833
DPIE A.N. 54059
NPWS MWL000100291