
Hi, my name is Sharon. I am a female joey and my Mum, Mikayla, and I were hit by a car just 2 days before Christmas. Mum was badly injured but is now recovering well, thanks to our carers at PSKH. I was unharmed because Mum risked her life to protect me. I’m going to stay with her while she recovers but unfortunately, due to her injuries, she won’t be able to be released with me later this year. I would be so grateful if you would adopt me (or my Mum) to help with Mum’s treatment and our care.  Wonderful news, I have been released and having great fun exploring the local area with all the amazing trees to jump around in, which has been my favourite pastime whilst being cared for at the hospital, jumping from one branch to another building up my skills and strength for this moment.


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